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It is the time of year when we may be thinking of putting away our summer clothes. If you have items in good condition that you haven’t worn this year, then take them to one of the local charity shops. Pre-loved items are always welcome. 

Scargill weekend next summer

You can now book for the church weekend at Scargill House in the Yorkshire Dales (next July 11th to 13th). Last year’s weekend stay there was really good value and enjoyable, and no doubt this one will be too. The en-suite rooms are now booked, but there are plenty of double, twin and single rooms available, and bathroom and toilet facilities for these are ample. To reserve a room, please see Gill Hampson: the full cost is £168.50 per person, and at least 25% (£42) is required at this stage (cheques should be payable to “PCC St John’s Flixton”).

Income survey for the congregation

This month we are all asked to fill in a form so the diocese can work out the average personal income of our regular church members, in order to calculate the ‘Parish Share’ that St John’s pays towards ministry in the whole diocese.

It’s for all adults (16 or over) who have been at St John’s at least 12 times in the past year and think of it as their ‘home’ church. There’s a set of forms on the table at the back of church. You don’t sign your form – just fold it and put it in the slot box provided.

Please don’t opt out because you have a small income or no income at all … if the average is low, that helps us!


How to give to St John’s

We want to thank everyone who gives to the work of St John’s, whether you’re able to give large amounts or small.

If you pay income tax and want St John’s to benefit from the Gift Aid on your donations, you need to complete a declaration form so we can claim 25% back from HMRC (the tax authority) on your giving – that applies whether you donate using the envelopes provided, or by bank transfer or standing order. There is also the card machine by the church entrance, and the same information is required for larger donations made that way. Thank you again to everyone for your generosity! If you would like further information, please ask.

Janice Mortimer, Gift Aid Secretary, and the finance team (Gill Hampson, Carol Cosham, Robert Beale)

Please note . . .

n Thursday Holy Communion services are to be held at St. John’s at 10.30am on 17th and 31st October, and at St Michael’s Flixton at 10.15am on 24th October.

n Our Messy Christingle will be on Sunday 8th December from 2.30 to 4pm. Please put the date in your diary and tell family, friends and neighbours.



St. John’s in Flixton has a Facebook page – search St. John’s Flixton for regular Facebook updates on events and activities taking place in church. Please “like” the page and encourage neighbours, family and friends to do the same to help us grow our followers.








Licensing of Rev Debra Blair as Incumbent of St John's

The Rev Debra Blair was licensed as the Incumbent of St John's Flixton on Sunday 23rd October 2022, in a service at St John's  led by the Bishop of Middleton, the Rt. Rev. Mark Davies, and the Archdeacon of Manchester, the Ven. Karen Lund. Guests were welcomed from both our parish and the wider church in our area for this special celebration of a new phase of ministry. 
















St John’s Football Project

Our football coaching club with a Christian message, supported by Ambassadors Football (ambassadorsfootball.org), is at 2pm on Sunday afternoons at St John’s. It's for boys and girls age 6 to 11.


Join the JC Squad!

'The J C Squad' is the new name for our Sunday School, and it runs at 10.30am during morning service. Children rejoin their parents in church at the end of the main service and often share with the whole congregation something of what they've been doing that day.




The Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2024 was held on Sunday 16th April. The Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2023 are available here. The Churchwardens' Report is available here. The Deanery Synod Report is available here







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