Worship with us in this carol service
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You may find these resources are useful to provide online worship, teaching, study materials and encouragement generally:
- A 9am Sunday service from the Church of England livestreamed on YouTube: click here.
- The Bible Project offers a whole series of animated videos on different books and themes of the Bible, plus a regular podcast - click here
- 'The Message' stream videos aimed at younger people under the title of 'Message Live' Click here to find the introduction page.
- The 'Christianity Explored' course - an introduction to the Christian faith by Rico Tice of All Souls' Church, Langham Place (the one next to the BBC), with hours of thought-provoking films and talks, is now available totally free of charge - click here - or start watching them on YouTube - click here
- Try the videos available from 'Christian Vision' - click here - you will have to register, but it's pretty easy.
- How to get the Church of England 'Daily Prayer' app on your phone - click here