Eco tip
Now is the time to start sowing seeds if you want crops later in the year, such as tomatoes, peppers, chillies and broad beans. Plant indoors if you don’t have a warm greenhouse, they will still do well!
Renewal of the Electoral Roll
Everyone needs to complete a form even if you were on the previous roll. Please ask if you are uncertain, but it is for regular worshippers and all who consider St John's their home church at present. It does not commit you to anything, but it is important to say “This is where I belong at present and I am a part of the St John’s Church family.” The deadline for doing that will be Saturday 12th April. Forms for application are available at the back of the church.
Easter invitations
Easter invitation cards are being made available to be delivered to all the houses in the parish again this year. If you can help, please take as many as possible: it works well if each able-bodied member of the congregation can see to delivering at least 100. The aim this time is to have the Easter cards delivered in time for Mothering Sunday (30th March).
Help needed
Sidespeople – this is an important role as they welcome people to the services and ensure that they have hymn books and service sheets. There are a few other duties, but we usually pair a new person with someone experienced in the role.
Readers of the lessons – the rota for this is compiled well in advance so people know what readings they have and can practise.
Refreshments after Sunday service – two people usually take on this job. They bring along milk and biscuits but everything else is provided. Lots of people often help with the washing up!
Intergenerational Ministry
We are hosting an event on the evening of Tuesday 25th March, at 7pm. The main speaker is Dr Becca Dean. If you would like to attend and perhaps help Rev Debra to welcome people and provide refreshments, then please speak to her.
Lent Evenings
These will be held on Thursday 3rd April and Thursday 10th April at 7.30pm in the Side Chapel. The theme is “Living Hope” and there will be readings, reflection, discussion, prayer and singing, led by Rev. Rodney and Rev. Debra.
Hall available in the holidays
St John’s church hall is available for daytime hire during all school holidays, and we are keen to find those who serve the community and might like to use its facilities – there’s a well-equipped kitchen, a large main hall and a smaller meeting room, and also access to a paved area and a large grassed piece of ground behind the hall, for open-air activity or play. If you know of anyone or a group who could be interested, please ask them to contact Robert Beale for full information on hiring: email or call 0161 748 9999.
Please note . . .
Our Tuesday Tea, Coffee and Chat times continue on the first Tuesday of every month. Come along and bring others to this free social event.
Thursday Holy Communion services are to be held at St. John’s at 10.30am on 6th and 20th March and 3rd April, and at St Michael’s Flixton at 10.15am on 13th and 27th March.
Annual Day of Prayer
This is to be held on Friday 7th March at 3pm at St. Clement’s Church, Urmston. This annual day of prayer is celebrated across the world, do come along to be a part of this. Please note if you use the car park nearby you do now have to pay.
There will be a meeting for the JC Squad leaders, helpers and anyone else interested in helping with our Junior Church on Sunday 23rd March after the morning service.
On Saturday 29th March from 10am to 1pm there is a Lay Leadership Gathering for our Deanery at Holy Trinity Platt. Booking is required – more details:
On the 6th of April at 10.30am we will be welcoming Rev. Nick Watson to preach and preside. It will be his final service with us before he and Joanna move.
Messy Church for Easter will be held on Sunday the 6th April, 2.30pm to 4pm. If anyone wants to assist with organizing the crafts please speak to Angela Easdon.
St. John’s in Flixton has a Facebook page – search St. John’s Flixton for regular Facebook updates on events and activities taking place in church. Please “like” the page and encourage neighbours, family and friends to do the same to help us grow our followers.
Licensing of Rev Debra Blair as Incumbent of St John's
The Rev Debra Blair was licensed as the Incumbent of St John's Flixton on Sunday 23rd October 2022, in a service at St John's led by the Bishop of Middleton, the Rt. Rev. Mark Davies, and the Archdeacon of Manchester, the Ven. Karen Lund. Guests were welcomed from both our parish and the wider church in our area for this special celebration of a new phase of ministry.
Join the JC Squad!
'The J C Squad' is the new name for our Sunday School, and it runs at 10.30am during morning service. Children rejoin their parents in church at the end of the main service and often share with the whole congregation something of what they've been doing that day.
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2024 was held on Sunday 16th April. The Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2023 are available here. The Churchwardens' Report is available here. The Deanery Synod Report is available here.