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Letter from Rev Debra


Loving God

The month of February begins with the festival day on the first of February of St Brigid, patron saint of Ireland, alongside St Patrick. The prayer of St Brigid says:

We implore thee, by the mercy of thy cross’s hallowed and bitter anguish … make us love thee O Christ, Amen.” Love is the overriding theme of February with Valentine’s Day being celebrated halfway through the month. Love of God is one of the key requirements of being a Christian. Now the frantic seasons of Advent and Christmas are over our thoughts turn to the quiet season in the church which leads to Lent.

Time to perhaps reflect on the past few months and focus on the year ahead. A year full of hope and promise and time to refocus on your commitment to God.

God loves us as Jesus reminds us “The Father has loved me, so I have loved you; abide in my love.” (John ch.15 v.9)

Ways to express our love for God are by joining together in worship, prayers, singing and studying the Bible together. There are so many opportunities. Jesus also told us to love one another. We can express this love in so many ways. We should look after each other, pray together and socialise together. Our monthly Tuesday afternoon coffee, tea and chat times are a great place to meet. Bringing other people to this is a way of expressing love and fellowship.

This February try and keep the theme of love at the forefront of your mind. Just think each day how you can express your love for God and other people. You may be surprised at how fulfilled you may feel because there is nothing in life that a little love cannot change.

Now Christmas is over the opportunities to give to others does not stop. If you wish to give to Stretford Foodbank there are collection bins in Urmston at Sainsbury’s and Aldi. At church we continue to collect for refugees and asylum seekers. These donations go to St John’s Community Centre Old Trafford. Items required include male-orientated toiletries, shaving equipment, hats, gloves, scarves and socks.

Best wishes and blessings,

Reverend Debra
















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